TrendProphecy - DayTrading sp500, Nasdaq100, Dow mini, Russell 2K mini - gives you informative real time Entry Points and Alerts, when to enter the market - either long or short, and Alerts for eventual stops. Discover the Trend with TrendProphecy.
For anyone stressed and depressed over their current situation this software will quickly and easily walk you through the secret behind the scenes tools to use to stop your home from being foreclosed today!
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Inventory management application records all income-expenditure and sale-purchase transactions of the company. Accounting bookkeeping software creates complete information about customers, vendors and allows you to maintain various company accounts.
PO organizer application maintains entire business financial transaction of any organization. Purchase order template creator software generate invoices of all sales / purchased items and record all seller, retailer, distributer, buyers information.
TrendMedium is a trading system for stocks and Forex which works as an add-on for Equis MetaStock. The system is based on revolutionary genetic algorithm to create "open ephemeral models" that describes the current stock movements and performances.
Hotel Accounting System Software is designed to simplify the booking process and allow you to get on with running your hotel accounting & billing process. Manage your rooms & make your customers feel unique and special by recording personal notes.
Office accounting and invoice management software manages invoice reports and billing records of the company in computerized manner. Invoice and billing management application is a highly automated system to manage accounting records in real time.