Profit Contribution Breakdown and analysis.

Profit Contribution Breakdown Excel 40

Profit Contribution Breakdown identifies the components of your business profit. This component performance is combined with indicators for future potential and business ability to identify areas that will maximize current and future performance.

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Optimize resource use to maximize profit.

Production Mix Model Excel 30

Maximize overall profit by optimizing resource use, for products or services. Up to six unique outputs can be handled with ten specific resource inputs. It considers the resource demand, profit contribution and any minimum or maximum requirements.

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Determine your profit by product and supplier

Product and Supplier Profitability Excel 30

Identify the true costs associated with your products and suppliers. This software is suitable for all resale business operations regardless of size. It allows you to build a complete product/supplier database with cost and profit analysis.

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MYOB  flexible review, automated budgeting.

PL Compiler MYOB Excel 30

Import your monthly MYOB Profit and Loss data to a flexible and easy to read layout with the capacity to automate budget creation. It enhances budget development, and provides significant time saving in performance reviews and budget creation.

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Test and value your Business Decisions

Decision Assistant Model Excel 50

The Decision Assistant values a decision and determines the impact on your business. It allows you to measure and monitor decision outcomes. The model supports planning, budgeting, goal setting, investment analysis, and operational improvement.

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Forecast the impact of billing fee changes.

Billing Model Excel 40

Forecast the impact of billing fee changes on Revenue, Profit and Client numbers. From basic billing and cost data billing change breakeven points are calculated for revenue and profit and you can build a forecast your business.

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Automatic staff scheduling, compact and easy.

Shift Scheduler Continuous Excel 30

Build a roster to your specifications, allocate staff automatically, and generate a printable roster, all at the click of a button. Compact and user friendly with default values for ease of use. Full operational instructions.

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3 year business forecast and 12 month budget.

Forecast and Budget Builder Excel 30

The Forecast and Budget Builder is a streamlined tool to develop a 3 year business forecast with Sensitivity Analysis and a 12 month budget. It can be utilized for existing and proposed businesses or products/services. Easy to use and interpret.

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All Asset Tracker - Asset Manager

All Asset Tracker 1.3

All Asset Tracker is an easy to use asset management database that will allow you to manage all of your company's assets. All Asset Tracker provides a simple and flexible asset management software solution.

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MoneyToys(tm) Free Loan Calculator

MoneyToys Free Loan Calculator 5.1.1

This free loan calculator for Windows allows you to quickly calculate loan payments and compare two loans side by side! Also includes information about MoneyToys(tm) online financial calculators for YOUR web site!

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