"Winter in Mountain" is an Animated Screensaver by EleFun Multimedia devoted to the nature theme. Winter, as any other season, is beautiful in its own way. It is especially beautiful in the mountains, where civilization has not reached yet and the
"Christmas Gift Shop" is an Animated Screensaver by EleFun Multimedia devoted to the holiday theme. As you know, during Christmas it is a common practice to beautify the houses inside and outside, decorating a Christmas tree and interchanging gifts
Santa has been on the Pole for a long time and now he is going to your place to share his magic gifts and to warm himself for a while near the festive fireplace. It's almost midnight behind the window and the Christmas magic is at hand.
Decorate Christmas the way you like. Choose the elegant red with starry sparkles and a glowing robe to match your mood. And your PC will sing you a carol when it's in its decorated look with Christmas Clock to watch minutes left before the start!
"Christmas Angel" is an Animated Screensaver by EleFun Multimedia devoted to the holiday theme. Some people say that at the great Christmas night a Christmas angel comes down from the sky and fulfills the most devout wishes.
"Christmas Forest" is an Animated Screensaver by EleFun Multimedia devoted to the holiday theme. On Christmas eve, a colourful fir-tree decorated with multicoloured lights, garlands and beautiful Christmas tree toys appears on the same place each