"Night in the Forest" is an Animated Screensaver by EleFun Multimedia devoted to the nature theme, namely, to the forest. It is well-known that a forest is not only a beautiful, but also a very dangerous place which keeps in itself many mysterious
Famous places screensaver brought to you by www.theartmuseums.org, the first Italian web site for discovering all about Italian museums and Italian art. There you will find all kind informations for Italian museums.
The graceful antique clock leads you into the fictional flying island of Laputa connecting the mystical world of Jonathan Swift and the fabulous land of Miyazaki anime-art.The magic staircase shows you the way to the magic castle riding in the clouds
"Winter Valley" is an Animated Screensaver by EleFun Multimedia devoted to the seasons, namely, to the winter. The first snow fell down on the reaches of this endless valley just recently. It turned the ordinary grass into the fairy plant covered
"Tower Clock" - Animated Screensaver by EleFun Multimedia. A quiet street of a country town - this world is like a picture of the Middle Ages. Everything here is subjected to its own laws: the day comes after the night, the tower clock is ticking and
"Old Blacksmith" is an Animated Screensaver by EleFun Multimedia devoted to the nature theme. XXI century is outside the window and the cowboy times are dead and gone. Now state-of-the-art technology performs most of the human's physical work. But...
Federation Screen Saver is a Freeware Mac OS X screen saver featuring a 360 degree rotating United Federation of Planets logo from Star Trek The Next Generation and Star Trek Deep Space Nine.