Password protect your files

Kruptos 2 Professional

Password protect your photos, movies, documents, or any other files using 256-bit encryption

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Yang is

Yang 1.0.1

Yang is "Yet another Nikto GUI" leading you to an optimal utilization of Nikto , the security scanner. It helps you to secure your web server using port 80 or others.

free download trial (2.44 Mb)

Protect files and folders

Access Administrator Pro 5.115

Controls access to files and folders situated on local media of Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP at Windows kernel level, allocates access to files and folders between users according to predefined schedules, and protects system files and folders.

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Lock Folder Lock File! protects your data.

Lock Folder Lock File! 1.2

Lock Folder Lock File! gives you everything you need to protect your personal data from unauthorized access. Use the program to protect specific files, folders or even entire drives with a password that only you will know.

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Protect your personal computer data

Snuko AntiTheft And Data Recovery for PC 1.2

If you lose your pc / laptop or have it stolen you can retrieve important files, encrypt your data and lock down your device. You can also track its geographic location for recovery and if you have a webcam, capture images of the user.

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OPG Cipher encrypts your files and texts.

OPG Cipher 2.0

OPG Cipher allows you to encrypt private files and texts without any hassle. You can hide text in images and verify files. OPG Cipher can also generate secure passwords.

free download trial (3.19 Mb)

Transform part of your hard disk into a safe

Digital Secure Disk 2011

Digital Secure Disk - The perfect solution for protecting your sensitive information from theft or other attacks. The program makes a part of your current hard disk into a secure disk.

free download trial (7.14 Mb)

Cryptainer LE Free Encryption Software

Cryptainer LE Encryption Software 9.1.0

Encrypt any file or folder on any Windows PC. Any Media, any type of data. Cryptainer LE Free Encryption Software. Password protect any file or folder with strong Encryption. Send secure e-mail. Protects data on USB Drives, CDs and HDDs. Freeware.

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Lock your files against ID-Theft

Digital Document Encryptor 2011

Digital Document Encryptor is a certified and awarded software product suitable for both the enterprise and private user. Encrypt sensitive documents and other private digital information you have on your computer.

free download trial (5.88 Mb)

encrypt PDF file,set password,set permissions

Ahead PDF Encrypt 1.0.0

Ahead PDF Encrypt is a powerful tool that allows you to encrypt existing PDF files, set permissions, add user and owner password, set descriptions.

free download trial (6.16 Mb)

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