Encrypt .wmv,.wma,.asf and manage Play Count

Media DRM Plus Encryption Solution 8.0

You can use the encryption tool to encrypt .wmv,.wma,.asf media files; the encrypted media files can only be played after obtaining the Playback license provided by your web server.

free download trial (6.51 Mb)

Encrypt and protect swf.

SWF Advanced Protector 9.0

Encrypt SWF files:Prevent decompiler,Prevent screen recording,Prevent cracking,Prevent copying.;Encrypt SWF files into exe format that can only be played after obtaining the Playback Password provided by you;Add progress bar for your swf files.

free download trial (1.41 Mb)

Encrypt and protect your CAD DWG files.

CAD DWG Drawing Protector 8.0

Encrypt drawing files, prevent copying, prevent editing, prevent printing. The encrypted drawing files can only be opened after obtaining the Opening Password provided by you. You can encrypt your drawing files binding to one computer.

free download trial (3.01 Mb)

View,print,convert, and encrypt dwg files.

Fast Green DWG Viewer 8.0

Fast and green viewer for viewing and printing AutoCAD DWG & DXF, HPGL, SVG and CGM files. The viewer also supports to convert CAD files into BMP files. Powerful print, easy mouse wheel zoom and right-mouse-button drag are very convenient.

free download trial (1.51 Mb)

Encrypt and protect flash swf and flash exe

Flash Password Protector 9.0

Encrypt and protect flash swf and flash exe,prevent cracking,prevent copying,prevent decompiler,prevent popular screen recording software, protect your action script.

free download trial (1.08 Mb)


PPT2EXE Packer 1.8

Encrypt your ppt document,support ppt,pptx,pps,ppsx;Protect the distribution of your ppt document,No editing,No copying,No printing,stronger than the MS office's own encryption;PPT2EXE,pps2exe,pptx2exe,ppsx2exe

free download trial (1.08 Mb)

excel2exe,No editing,No copying,No printing

Excel Document Protector 3.2

Encrypt your excel document,support xls,csv,xlw,xlsx;Protect the distribution of your excel document,No editing,No copying,No printing,stronger than the MS office's own encryption.

free download trial (1.08 Mb)

Convert word to EXE,No editing,No copying

Word2EXE - Word to EXE 2.0

Convert word to EXE,No editing,No copying,No printing.

free download trial (1.08 Mb)

protect word,No editing,No copying

Word Password Protector 2.0

Use password to protect your word document,support doc,docx,rtf,No editing,No copying,No printing,stronger than the MS office's own encryption.

free download trial (1.08 Mb)

Encrypt word,One Computer,One Password

Word PC-binding Encryptor 5.2

Encrypt your word document,support doc,docx,rtf;One Computer,One Password, you only need to encrypt files one time,Protect the distribution of your word document,No editing,No copying,No printing,stronger than the MS office's own encryption.

free download trial (1.28 Mb)

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