Hide mouse pointer typing when it is not req
Cursor Hider
Supported languages: English
Supported OS: WinME / Windows2000 / WinXP / Windows2003 / WinME / Windows Vista Starter / Windows Vista Home Basic / Windows Vis Price: $19.95
Curosr Hider helps you to do a little less of actoin durnig wroking with comptuer . It remoevs the mouse poinetr from
an user focus at a working area so the mouse cusror does not cover the text or pictrue that you see. Poniter
diasppears when user keysrtokes or after a some secnods witohu mouse actiivty. With any mouse atcion mouse
pointer shows at its place. Real examlpe: You are going to visit a web site with form to fill it. At first you type the
URL in the broswer adderss bar - www.sofetxe.com. But mouse pionter bolcks char (peirod) and you do not know
eaxctly typed it or not. To check that you must take the mouse deivce to hand and do move action so mouse
pointer move out from focus area. With Cursor Hider the mouse pointer disappaers with first kyestrokes and notihng
will block the typed text now. Futhermroe You can turn off the mouse pointer (do crusor inivsible) . This is the very
uesful opiton for touch sceren dveices and kiosk applciations. User will not see the cursor at all!
Free Cursor Hider download - 468 Kbcursorhider.exe
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