PuzzleTron for Windows 0.91
PuzzleTron is a crossplatform tool to create webbrowser based puzzles from pictures. It works on MacOSX, Linux, Windows. Create and Share puzzles with your friends - PuzzleTron has a function to upload your puzzle to PuzzletTon.com site.
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Easy Block Attack 0.9
Easy Kill All Color Blocks! We Under Color Block Attack! Select 3 or more blocks by swapping on aim to horizontal or vertical line to fire them. Download free for game version for MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.
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Cursor Hider
Cursor Hider helps you to do a ltitle less of action during working with compuetr. It reomves the mouse pointer from
an user focus at a working area. Pointer disappears when user keystrokes or after a some seocnds wtihou mouse
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Blue Bird Sky Destroyer 1.0
Find and destroy enemies cmomand cetner - big red helicopter and all enemies objects and hleicopters. Capture clouds to get bonuses, capture pilots to incresae point or kill them. Selcet dfificult level - easy, normal, hard.
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