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Convenient and powerful scientific calculator

Scientific calculator - ScienCalc 1.3.57

ScienCalc is a convenient and powerful scientific calculator. ScienCalc calculates mathematical expression. It supports the common arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /) and parentheses.

free download trial (2.51 Mb)

Nonlinear regression analysis - CurveFitter

Regression Analysis - CurveFitter 4.5.8

CurveFitter program performs statistical regression analysis to estimate the values of parameters for linear, multivariate, polynomial, exponential and nonlinear functions.

free download trial (3.07 Mb) :: order online ($15.00)

Object-oriented linear algebra for .NET.

.NET Matrix Library 64-bit Developer 5.0

The Bluebit .NET Matrix Library provides classes for object-oriented algebra. Solves systems of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors problems, and singular value problems.

free download trial (13.8 Mb)

Object-oriented linear algebra for .NET.

.NET Matrix Library 32-bit Developer 5.0

The Bluebit .NET Matrix Library provides classes for object-oriented algebra. Solves systems of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors problems, and singular value problems.

free download trial (8.82 Mb)

Parallel vector and matrix library for .NET

KonstSolver 1.086

KonstSolver is a high-performance vector and matrix library for .NET(C#,C++,VB), thread based, 100% managed code. A parallel LU algorithm for solving dense systems of linear equations of the form Ax=b provides amazing speedup on multicore computers.

free download trial (400 Kb)

Interactive tutorial with problems and tests

MathAid SAT. Math Practice 15.63

Tutorial contains basic concepts, interactive examples, and problems with randomly generated parameters. A customer is allowed to select chapters for a test, get the test review, and save the results. Especially useful in preparing for tests.

free download trial (668 Kb)

Plot and analyze graphs of equations and data

Advanced Grapher 2.2

Graphing, curve fitting and calculating software. Graphs Cartesian, polar and parametric functions, graphs of tables, implicit functions and inequalities. Calculus features: regression analysis, derivatives, tangents, normals and more.

free download trial (1.38 Mb)

ODEcalc (tm) ... an ODE Calculator!

ODEcalc 6.10

ODEcalc (tm): An Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Calculator! Nonlinear ODEs. State your equation, boundary/initial value conditions & it solves your problem. Plots solution y & derivative ydot versus x. Calculus Programming demo applicatio

free download (3.81 Mb)

Nonlinear regression analysis - DataFitting

Regression Analysis - DataFitting 1.7.4

DataFitting is a powerful statistical analysis program that performs linear and nonlinear regression analysis (i.e. curve fitting).

free download trial (2.22 Mb)

DataFitting performs regression analysis

Nonlinear analysis - DataFitting 1.7.70

DataFitting is a powerful statistical analysis program that performs linear and nonlinear regression analysis (i.e. curve fitting).

free download trial (2.92 Mb)

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