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Interactive tutorial with problems and tests

MathAid Precalculus 28.63

Tutorial contains basic concepts, interactive examples, and problems with randomly generated parameters. A customer is allowed to select chapters for a test, get the test review, and save the results. Especially useful in preparing for exams.

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Data and curve auto fitting software.

NdCurveMaster for mac OS 1.2.2

ndCurveMaster was designed to find optimum equations to describe empirical data using a regression method. ndCurveMaster is the first and only program to find the ideal equation to allows the auto fitting of an unlimited number of input variables.

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most powerful calculator

Mathwizard 2.5

can do scientific calculations , real and complex matrices , algebra , calculus and plot multiple graphs

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Equation editing add-on for Microsoft Word

Rapid-Pi 2.1

Rapid-Pi is an add-on for Microsoft Word (and other word processors) that provides a new, fast way to enter mathematical formulas, equations and expressions into documents. Rapid-Pi's text-based input is a simply faster way to input math.

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Cleansing Colon Advanced Calculator

Cleansing Colon 4.26

Cleansing Colon Advanced Calculator to Check Your Colon if Need Cleansing Based on Body Equations and Help you To Properly Lose Weight Naturally using Special Diets and Colon Cleansing Foods without Harmful Cleanse Colon Products. Try It FREE...

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innovative and adaptable simulation tool

TrendingBot 1.0.2

trendingBot is a powerful numerical simulation tool able to find the equation explaining the behaviour of the given data with no external help (user-defined parameters)

free download trial (15.35 Mb)

innovative and adaptable simulation tool

TrendinBot 1.0.1

trendingBot is a powerful numerical simulation tool able to find the equation explaining the behaviour of the given data with no external help (user-defined parameters)

free download trial (21.74 Mb)

Powerful algebraic calculator, many features.

UltimaCalc Professional 3.1.805

Feature packed math package. Symbolic algebra; integrate and see explanation, differentiate, factorise polynomials. Solve linear and non-linear equations. Optimise an expression. Five kinds of regression / least squares fit. Plot functions.

free download trial (3.15 Mb)

Calculating section properties in civil eng.

BeamProps 2.7

This software is used to calculate section properties like area, moment of inertia, radius of gyration, etc for more than 25 sections and shapes. These equations are taken from "Roark's formulas for stress and strain (7th Edition)" book.

free download trial (3.88 Mb)

Evaluate math expressions.

Calculate Mathematical Expressions Software 7.0

Evaluate math expressions with sin, square root, pi, factorial, etc.

free download trial (756 Kb)

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