Relief valve sizing calculator 1.1.0
Relief valve sizing calculator mainly carries out calculations based on equations specified by American petroleum institute. The equations allow engineers to size relieve devices that can be used for different industrial applications
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Aurora 2.1
Aurora lets you use LaTeX to enter mathematics in word processors, presentation programs, and just about anywhere else. It makes sure that your formulas look good, print prettily, and play nice with the rest of the text.
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MathAid Algebra II 25.63
Tutorial contains basic concepts, interactive examples, and problems with randomly generated parameters. A customer is allowed to select chapters for a test, get the test review, and save the results. Especially useful in preparing for tests.
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Chemspread PRO 3.4
Free Java Applet is a chemistry spreadsheet calculator - balances virtually any chemical equation and follows up with stoichiometry calculations as well as equillibrium calculations in spreadsheet fashion. Includes Tutorial. Demo at mathshowcase.com
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ProsimGraphsPro 8.2
Prosimgraphspro contains a series of applications useful to simulate processes, draw/interrupt 2D/3D graphs and draw chemical diagrams. Easy to use applications for the designer.Ideal for engineering, scientific professionals, students and education.
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Math ODF Recovery 8.12.01
Math ODF Recovery software restores all data from ODF files with utmost ease and precision. It can efficiently recover math equations, formulae, and everything contained in the file keeping text and page orientation same.
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Murfy Maths Game 2011
Link up mathematical equations to reach your goal. Work quickly, using special power-ups for bonus points. Get past level 5 in Arcade Mode to unlock Blitz Mode
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MatBasic 1.28
The MatBasic is the language of mathematical calculations. Strong mathematical base: full complex arithmetic's, linear algebra and operations, nonlinear methods and graphical visualization.
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Crazy Math Games 1.5
Want to be excellent at math? Try Crazy Math Games. Let your kids learn math funny!
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Equation Wizard 1.2
The program automatically solves algebraic equations of any order written in any form. Enter your equation and click just one button! Step by step the program will solve the equation, find its roots and describe all its operations.
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